해외논문으로 한번 확인해볼까요?
* 한약처방이 기관지확장증에 도움된다는 논문(중국)
Effects of the zhikuofang on the inflammation and cytostatics of the airway model of bronchiectasis
Wan YG, Cao SH, Bi jj, Zhu YH, Zhou Y, Zhou M
To explore the effects of Zhikuofang, a TCM prescription, and Ofloxacin on the inflammation and cytostatics of the airway model of bronchiectasis.
The airway model of bronchiectasis (AMB) was set up and infused with Ps. Aeruginosa. A comparison between the effects of Zhikuofang and Of loxacin on the AMB was made.
Zhikuofang is better than Ofloxacin in following aspects: lowering the density of inflammation cells in blood, decreasing the volume of tracheal secretion and inhibiting the cytostatics (IL-8 and TNF-alpha) of the trachea tissue, but Ofloxacin is more effective in diminishing the amount of bacteria in trachea flushing liquor. There was no marked difference between them in their histopathy effects on the trachea.
Zhikuofang probably plays antiphlogistic and bacteriostatic effects by inhibiting the IL-8 and TNF-alpha, resisting secretion, decreasing the inflammation cells and resisting inflammation of trachea.
(Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2002 Feb;27(2):139-43. Chinese)
일부를 발췌해보면
Zhikuofang probably plays antiphlogistic and bacteriostatic effects by inhibiting the IL-8 and TNF-alpha, resisting secretion, decreasing the inflammation cells and resisting inflammation of trachea.
"한약은 IL-8과 TNF-alpha를 억제하고 분비물의 발생을 저항하게 하고 염증세포를 감소시키고 기관지의 염증반응을 저항하게 함으로써 항염작용과 세균의 발육을 저지하는 효과를 발휘하는거 같다"
논문 한편을 더 살펴 봅시다
비결핵항산균에 감염된 환자를 한약으로 다스리는 증례논문(일본)
*기관지확장증에서 비결핵항산균 관리는 중요합니다.
A case of pulmonary Mycobacterium fortuitum infection successfully treated with Kampo treatments
Nogami T, Sekiya N, Mitsuma T, Yamaguci T
Department of Japanese Oriental (Kampo) Medicine, Aso-Iizuka Hospital.
A 72-year-old male was referred to our hospital in August 2001 for his pulmonary M. fortuitum infection. His symptoms were coughing, pyrexia, hemoptysis, general malaise, and insomnia. He had been suffering from these symptoms since 1982, though the intensive anti-mycobacterial chemotherapy such as three-drug (RFP, SM, and INH), twice two-drug (KM and SM and cycloserine and enviomycin) and four-drug (CAM, EB, RFP, and KM) regimens were administered for 26 months from July 1999. His symptoms tentatively improved after chemotherapy, but soon recurred with smear positive sputum. We decided to withdraw all antibacterial agents to treat him with decoction of Ninjinyoueito according to the diagnostics Kampo medical science in September 2001. After this prescription, his subjective symptoms gradually improved, and ten months later his sputum converted to smear negative. Because of recurrence of his general malaise in August 2002, we replaced the Ninjinyoueito by Seishoekkito, based on the Kampo diagnostics. His physical conditions remained good until 2005. In addition, the sputum smear examination maintain the level below +/-. We evaluate that Kampo (Chinese traditional medicine) treatment resulted in favorable response. Though it is not common to prescribe Kampo-medicine for intractable infectious diseases, we believe that Kampo-medicine is effective in some cases associated with host defense mechanisms.
(Kekkaku. 2006 Aug;81(8):525-9. Japanese)
- 일본에 있는 병원에서 비결핵항산균 환자의 치료 사례 논문입니다. 요지는 다음과 같습니다.
- "양약치료 후 일시 호전 되었으나 계속 양성반응이 나타났음. 이후 한약치료로 바꾸기로 하고 처방함. 한약 치료 후 환자의 주관 증상이 호전되고 가래검사에서도 음성으로 호전되었다"